Days left to go

333 days down, 32 Days left to go
56 lbs lost, 151 lbs to go

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Weigh in #1

ok so i'll admit now i havent been that great with my trying to eat healthier thing but i have been doing better in general, im eating smaller portions and i have not had a single soda pop this whole week although i have had some coffee to get my caffeine, i dare any of you out there to go a day without some form of caffeine!
Well now some of you are probably wondering how we did on our weigh in and here is the truth, duh duh duh....
yes i had to add some drama into it haha, well this week i have lost 3 pounds and Dennis has amazingly lost 11 pounds wooohooo goo team Jensen, it seriously makes me feel good when i stand on that scale and see a lower number even if it is a small number like 3 and not a big number, i am so proud of Dennis for losing 11 pounds and here i thought that he wasn't taking this seriously, he sure showed me tonight!
i dont even feel different although i have noticed that as long as i am focused on something and keeping myself busy, that i tend to not think so much about food, and that is when i am lounging on the couch or being lazy, that i think more about food and wanting to eat, well i am going to keep this entry short because its late and i'm so ready for bed right now, thanks for reading!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Biggest Loser season 9 week1

today was hard for me because Dennis made burgers, and i love burgers, especially the bacon burger from wendy's, i must confess that it's my weakness, but i had to resist the urge of having a burger and instead i made some top ramen, which was actually really yummy so i think im going to do just fine with this and i haven't even started exercising!
After just watching the biggest loser i can honestly say i am impressed and feel motivated as i always do watching this show, they had some of the heaviest contestent yet again, and in one week, thats right i said one week, almost all of them were losing 20-30 pounds, i mean talk about unbelievable!
so i am making a committment to you know, that i will work harder then i have ever worked and i will make all of you proud of me, because their was a couple people on the show that were not much heavier then i am now and i am so close to the 200 mark that i scares me, and makes me want to cry, because i dont want to be like this, i dont want to be big for the rest of my life, im still a young girl, and i want my son to grow up eating right, i want to be able to do things with him, to be able to play with him with he gets older, so i am going to work harder then i have ever worked before, and continue to motivate Dennis and we are going to prove to everyone that it can be done!


Total Calories eaten: 900
Total Calories burned: 0

special K red berries cereal: 120 Calories, 25g. Carbs, 3g. Protein
1% milk: 100 Calories, 1.25g. Fat, 6.5g. Carbs, 4g. Protein

Top ramen: 380 Calories, 14g. Fat, 52g. Carbs, 10g. Protein

toast and jam: 300 Calories


So today is officially day one of our weight loss plan and we already have a contest going on, it is between my husband Dennis and our friend Chris, who ever loses the most weight in one year gets $50, we will weigh in once a week and the boys will take a picture of the weight on their scales as part of the contest as Chris lives in Las Vegas, so we will see what happens, Dennis is weighing in at 295 and Chris is weighing in at 370, so i think it will be a close race!
Now what better way to get motivated to lose weight is a small friendly competition, i can already tell that this is going to be fun and i can't wait to see the end results!
I have also decided to keep my hair blond through this until i can reach my goal weight and then when i do, i will dye it back to my natural hair color as part of my transformation, so im excited and pumped.
so today being the first day has been pretty hard, i have just been so hungry all day, so i have been trying to drink a lot of water to ease the hunger pains, i have found that it is a lot harder to stay eating healthy when you are not in the comforts of your own home, when your in your own home, you already know what you have, and you know what is going into your food, whereas, when you go to other peoples homes, you eat what they eat or don't eat at all, or at a restaurant, its just plain harder to find something healthy to eat, but im not giving up, i know i can do this, i just have to keep at this.

total Calories eaten today: 1,105
Calories Burned:0

special K red berries cereal: 110 Calories, 25g. Carbs, 3g. Protein
1% milk: 55 Calories, 1.25g. Fat, 6.5g. Carbs, 4g. Protein

1% milk: 110 Calories, 2.5g. Fat, 13g. Carbs, 8g. Protein
meatloaf, mashed potatoes with vegetables: 450 Calories, 25g. Carbs, 3g. Protein

Top ramen: 380 Calories, 14g. Fat, 52g. Carbs, 10g. Protein

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Game Plan

Ok, so it may not be day one yet but I thought we should at least start with the game plan to let people know how we plan on doing this, My husband Dennis is starting out at 295 Lbs. and plans to lose 125 Lbs. for a goal weight of 170 Lbs., and I Meagen am starting out at 188 Lbs. and plan on losing 78 Lbs. for a goal weight of 110 Lbs.
Our plan is like I said in the description to eat healthy smaller portions, and exercise more, we are also giving up chocolate, soda pop, and alcohol, as part of our weight loss plan, I dont know how we are going to do this but here goes, we will also be documenting everything we eat and drink so you out there can see if we cheat and when and how often, I dont even know if anyone will even read this but who cares right!
Now your probably wondering where I got this idea from, I got this idea from watching the movie Julie and Julia, where the lady writes a blog about her experience cooking through Julia child's cookbook, and so here we are.      I am a little disapointed at my own personal weight though, I never thought that I would ever be this heavy, there are days where I just feel so tired that I want to sleep all day, which may be from my thyroid condition, but in general, when I look at myself in the mirror, I find my self disgusted at the way I look, and I hate the way that feel, I want to be thin again, to be able to look at myself and feel beautiful again, I didnt always used to be like this, I used to be thin and kind of geeky too, well im still a geek but you get the point.
       I feel really excited this time about trying to lose weight. When me and Meagen help each other in eating right and losing weight we have had good results. I'll try my best and with Meagen's support I know I'll have success.