Days left to go

333 days down, 32 Days left to go
56 lbs lost, 151 lbs to go

Monday, November 29, 2010

i'm back with a vengence!

Alright, so i must admit the i have been very neglective of my blogging duties for this year, but i will say this, i have not neglected on my weightloss duties, and i have lots and lots to share with you all.
            So around April, and old friend of mine had noticed that i was looking swollen, so she asked if she could look at my ankles, when i did, she commented on how swollen my ankles were and that i should go and see a doctor about it, so of course out of concern for my health i called my doctor and made and apointment with him.
           after talking to my doctor, and several blood tests, he noticed that my blood enzyme levels in my liver were high, and seem concerned about, so he ordered some more tests and finally ordered an ultrasound on my abdomen to see what was going on and determined it to be the cause a what he called a "fatty liver", which in simple english terms means that there was just too much fat around my liver and so it was having to work harder to get its job done.
           When my doctor made that discover he decided that something had to be done about my weight, and at that point i had only been able to lose 7 lbs, as i was starting at 192 lbs and explianed to him that i had been trying for these 4 months to lose weight and was doing everything possible, eating right, eating smaller portions, and excercising, but was having no luck, after i explained all this to him, he decided it was time to take a more drastic approach, maybe not as drastic as surgery, but still drastic, and put me on a water pill called hydochlorotazide, and a diet pill called Phentermine, which you can only get from a doctor and is not for everyone as it is an amphentamine, and can cause high blood pressure and heart problems.
           So now that you know that history, here is the present, since i have been on this new medication for the past 7 months i have lost a total of 56 lbs, dropped 8 pant sizes, and 6 inches around my waist, my doctor and i have determined according to my BMI, that i should and need to get down to around 110-115 lbs, right now i am 136 lbs so i am more then half way down and have 26 to21 lbs left to lose and am very very excited with anticipation, now i personally can't see any differance in the way that i look, however i have noticed that when i go to church on sundays i have women commenting on my weightloss and how good i am looking, in fact there is one lady who continuesly asking me if im feeling ok and if im healthy, in which i happiely reply that i am very healthy and feeling great, i have also noticed that i have been getting more looks and compliments when i go out around town, and i must admit that i feels really great to be getting those again, because when i was at my heaviest, i was so incredibly depressed and felt so ugly and disgusting, and now even though i still feel ugly and gross, i know that it must be in my head if strangers, and especially my father compliment the way i look, which just makes me feel even better, not to mention dropping all these pant sizes, i can't remember ever being in a single digit pant size before, and it just keeps making me feel better and better, and makes me want to lose more weight.
               so here is my solem vow to you all, i am going to continue with this blog every day, not untill the end of the year, but untill the end of my weight loss, i will not stop losing my weight untill i get to my goal of 110 lbs, so wish me luck everyone, its going to be one hell of an end to this year!